Final Results
Place |
Team |
AP |
Unique |
Total |
Lords of Wireless
Team WirelessCon
Team 5
WarDriving Miss Daisy
Team 12
Fear & Loathing
Congratualtions to our winners, The Lords Of Wireless: Bobzilla, Arkasha, Mentat, Hratch, and BigEzy
Here is a combined map of all the APs found during the contest (at least the ones that were scored).

Wardriving Contest Rules
The DefCon 11 WarDriving Contest will be a tournament style contest this year.
o There will be a maximum of 12 teams, each with a maximum of 5 members.
o Assuming there are enough people that want to participate, all teams will be full; i.e. no teams of 1, no teams of 3 etc.
o Teams are responsible for providing their own equipment.
o Each contestant will pay a five dollar entry fee
o You can sign up on The DefCon Forums
NOTE: You must register as a member of the DefCon Forums to sign up.
o There are 13 threads in this section. One thread for each team. Once a team is filled the thread will be closed, and the thread will be given the team name.
o I will finalize each team and close the thread when the team is full.
o The 13th thread is a standby list of participants who are willing to substitute for missing team members.
o In the event that a team member does not check in, substitute team members can be chosen from the standy list with the approval of the DC 11 WarDriving Contest Staff
[DEFCON 11 Check-in]
o All 12 teams will compete on Friday.
o Only ground transportation may be used (no planes or helicopters).
o EACH teams member from ALL teams must check-in at the Vendor Area between 10:00 AM and 12-noon on Friday with the DC11WD Staff.
NOTE:Each team member must sign the liability form to qualify as a team
[DEFCON 11 WarDriving Rules]
o Friday will consist of a two-hour drive of a TO BE ANNOUNCED section of Las Vegas. All teams will be driving in the same section.
The section on Friday will be one half of Las Vegas.
The section for Saturday will be the other half.
This mandatory section to be driven will be given to each team at check in.
o Based on the scoring criteria below, the top 6 teams will advance to the second and final round on Saturday at 12-noon.
oEach contestant is required to follow all local, state and federal laws to include traffic laws.
o 1 point - for each access point found.
o 2 additional points - for APs with WEP enabled.
o 1 additional point - for APs with no WEP enabled AND default SSID.
o 3 additional points - for unique APs (your team is the only one that found it).
o Only APs with associated GPS coordinates will be counted.
o Info on data dump format and instructions will be posted soon.
o Data Dump: The IP address for the Defcon WarDriving Contest Data Server will be made made available to each team member at check in on Friday. A team username and pssword will be given to each team member at that time. Each member of the team is responsible for uploading their data via SFTP over a wired connection in the allotted time. No exceptions! It is each team's responsibility to ensure that they have the appropriate equipment, protocols and client software for this data transfer.
o Data must be submitted in wi-scan extended format. To aid in this conversion the Church of WiFi has developed WarGlue.
o The scoring script can be downloaded here for testing purposes. Questions concerning the scoring script should be directed to
o The 6 teams with the highest scores will advance to Saturday.
o Saturday will be scored with the same criteria as listed above.
Friday August 1st 2003
o 10:00 AM CHECK-IN is open (VENDOR AREA)
o 12:00 PM CHECK-IN is closed
o NOTE: Anyone who has not checked in by that time will lose their spot and a stand by contestant may be chosen to fill the spot.
o 2:00 PM The first round of the tournament will begin. Each team has two hours to drive.
o 4:30 PM All consolidated team data must be on the DefCon WarDriving Contest server to be scored by Wardriving Staff. No Exceptions, No Delays, No Malfunctions, etc...
o 6:00 PM The list of teams that have advanced to the final round will be posted both the DefCon Wardriving Contest website and in the Vendor Area.
Saturday August 2nd 2003
o 12:00 PM The final round drive will begin. Each team has three hours to drive.
o 3:30 PM All consolidated team data must be on the DefCon WarDriving Contest server to be scored by Wardriving Staff. No Exceptions, No Delays, No Malfunctions, etc...
Sunday August 3rd 2003
o Contest winner announced at Awards Ceremony.
[CHEATING: For those whom are intending to cheat... or even thinking about it... yeah you]
Cheaters never prosper
o The DefCon WarDriving Contest Staff will take precautions to prevent cheating.
o If any member of a team is caught cheating the team will be disqualified without prejudice.
o Example of what is in store, more to be disclosed after the contest:
Several DSE's will be placed around Vegas. These are Access Points that will be turned off at the start of the contest. If the MAC for a DSE is in your team's data. Your team is disqualified.
DefCon WarDriving Contest staff will conduct a pre-drive to establish a baseline. If a team's data significantly varies from the "baseline" the DefCon Wardriving contest staff will re-drive the area (same day). If the discrepancy still exists the team will be disqualified.
[DefCon 11 WarDriving Contest Staff Members]
o Chris--Lord of the Wasteland
o blackwave -- Destroyer of all that is stupid.
o FReCKLeS -- Great Sister of the FreckleHood.
o FAWCR--Crowd Control and General Master of the Beat Down.
o Russ--Overall logistical master and Sr. Staff Liaison.
o converge--Mastah of Scoring
o Pete Shipley--Media Relations Guru; send all press inquiries to
Any questions should be sent to
DefCon 11 Wardriving Contest Sponsored by: