DEF CON 12 - WARDRIVING CONTEST - MAIN DRIVE ---------- [FAQ] 1 ) Do I need to do anything before the contest starts? 2 ) MAC address? 3 ) What do I need to communicate with the contest server? 4 ) What if I don't know how to do [x]? 5 ) What networking information do I need? 6 ) How do I upload my logs for scoring? 7 ) Did you say deleted? 8 ) So what is that '50 square miles'? [1] Do I need to do anything before the contest starts? YES! Register. Actually, registration for the main drive is divided into two parts. The legal/paper/actual registration must take place. Once you have registered to play, you MUST provide a username and MAC address to converge BEFORE THE END OF REGISTRATION. [2] MAC address? You must provide the MAC address of the interface that you will use to upload data. You will not communicate with the server unless you have done this. You may only provide one and this cannot change, even if your hardware fails.. so pick something stable for uploading. [3] What do I need to communicate with the contest server? You must have a user account and a registered MAC address. Once you have obtained these, it is REQUIRED that you log into your account and generate an ssh2 keypair. At the start of the contest, ONLY SSH2 via PKI will be allowed to ssh/sftp into the box. It is highly recommended that you fully test all of this at registration. Once the contest starts, you will not be able to talk to the contest server without it! [4] What if I don't know how to do [x]? Learn. SSH is a basic communication skill and you will not be taught by the contest staff. There are many documents and howtos out there beating the dead horse, so find one and be sure you are capable. This is as close to a bleeding heart as we will get, so enjoy: 1) ssh-keygen -t dsa 2) download your private key - (recommended) removing it from the contest server - download your public key and this README for posterity 3) touch authorized_keys2 and chmod 600 4) cat >> authorized_keys2 5) (recommended) removing public key 6) ssh -2 -v username@ [5] What networking information do I need? The contest server can be found at Access to the server will be available via WIRED LAN ONLY. Anyone found camping on the switch to try and compromise the server or other players data/auth will be tossed in the pool by contest staff. [6] How do I upload my logs for scoring? All logs MUST be submitted in Netstumbler 0.4.0 format. No questions, no variations. Even files generated under the 0.3.99 BETA version WILL NOT BE SCORED. The file must be NS0.4.0, no exceptions. Got it? :P good. To upload your log for scoring, connect to the contest server via sftp and place your ns1 log into the root of your home folder as 'dump.ns1'. If you call it anything different, it will not be scored and will be deleted by the end of the next scoring cycle. [7] Did you say deleted? Yes. All files in every contestants folder will be deleted on a regular basis, immediately after the existing dump logs have been scored. That includes this README, so if you hold it dear then you should probably copy it locally before the start of the contest. [8] So what is that '50 square miles'? The '50 square miles' is intended in the following manner (NOTE: NOT a 50sqmi area!). Each contestant is able to drive 25 miles north, south, east, or west of the Alexis park for scorable contest data. That is to say, you have a 50 mile by 50 mile grid to drive inside, with the Alexis Park at the center. The GPS coordinates are as follows: North Limit: 36.46825 South Limit: 35.74825 West Limit: -115.60825 East Limit: -114.70825 All valid data submitted inside these bounderies will be scored. All data submitted from outside these bounds will not be scored.