LockPick Contest F.A.Q.
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How experienced do I need to be to participate? Am I going to humiliate myself?
Fisrt, not very. Second, no that's my job!
Foremost, this contest is meant to be FUN!!!!
The first two rounds will be rather simple. Anyone who has had any practice with a set of picks and a couple of locks should be fine. After that, things will then become more difficult, but remember, it's FREE and FUN!!!
If you are concerned you are not "l33+" 'nuff for this, than you should sign up anyway! If you're an interested beginner, this will be a great event to learn more about it.
Will the target locks be mounted on a board or will we be able to hold them in our hands?
All locks will be mounted on "something" ;)!
Assume that you will be using "possibly" strange angles with little to no grip on the lock itself, much as you would find in RL.
Although this doesn't mean we won't have things upside down! Just don't expect to be able to sit cross-legged with a lock in your lap.
What tools are we allowed to use?
OK, several questions are falling into this category, but the basic answer is this:
Only your basic picks and wrenches. If it has a trigger, it is not allowed. If it requires electricity, it is not allowed. If it looks like a key, it is not allowed. If it can cause damage to the locks, it is not allowed.
If you bring something other than basic picks and wrenches, don't plan on using it without prior approval from KaiGoth or DOC, period. We want a level playing field to judge efficiency at picking locks with basic tools.
How do I get my picks to DEFCON?
Many people are wondering about "transporting" their tools, etc. My understanding is that the Alexis Park will accept packages addressed to guests with prior reservations. This is typical of most hotels and will work if you stay off-site.
Also, the Irvine Underground will be selling pick sets at DEFCON, so bring some extra cash and pick up some LPCON schwag!! :)
What if I want to participate in the WarDrive as well?
The LPCON has been staggered to allow contestants to participate in both events. In order to help with scheduling though, we do ask that you mention you WarDrive participation when you check in.
Will we be allowed to use lubes during the LPCON?
Well, we're all for protection, but we're just not sure we want your goop all over our gear!
Simply put, there will be no lube used in rounds one and two. If we decide to allow it in the later rounds, it will be provided by the LPCON staff. In other words, don't expect to use any "personal lube".
Any questions should be sent to
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