The WorldWide WarDrive in the Media
The following is a listing of known media stories (some positive, some negative) that reference the WorldWide WarDrive
Original article picked up from the Canadian press release
SANS NewsBites
SANS NewsBites again. This time not very complimentary
Security News Portal
Globe and Mail
Response to the editor about the WWWD
ComputerWolrd Magazine coverage of the first WWWD
Secret Service getting competition
Novell Linked to an Article about the WWWD
eWeek did a pretty nice story on the 2nd WWWD
A disturbingly poor article from the Wall Street Journal that was carried by
A very "cryptic" story from InfoWorld haha
A mention of the WWWD on Wireless Newsfactor
Not too bad from
Very good article form BBC News
Surprisingly good article from Wired
Short mention of WWWD2 in this one.